The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (Millennium #1) by Stieg Larsson, Reg Keeland (Translator)

After a looooong hiatus, I am back to reading! And would you believe it’s with something I’ve been wanting to read since August! This book has been with me for a really long time now, since I bought the three books from Bookchor last year…! And out of the three books I bought, I’ve managed to read only two. There just seemed so many other books to read before then 😛 

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World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War by Max Brooks

I wanted to like this book, I really did. But it just wasn’t meant to be.


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Born a Crime: Stories From a South African Childhood by Trevor Noah

I rarely read autobiographies (or even biographies), but I’m so glad I read this one! Someone suggested this to me, and after a month of deliberating, I bought it.

born a crime

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The Unexpected Guest by Charles Osborne, Agatha Christie

It has been at least 15 years (although it is most probably much more than that) since I first started reading Agatha Christie. You would assume I would be bored of her writing by now. But, no, not at all. In fact, she continues to amuse and surprise me to this day. I guess I will just never grow out of her writing!


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I’ll Walk Alone (Alvirah and Willy #8) by Mary Higgins Clark

Oh my god, such a ridiculous book! I might just never read another novel by Mary Higgins Clark again!


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Lost in Temptation (Regency Chase #1) by Lauren Royal

After the children’s book The Diary of a Wimpy Kid, here’s something that’s definitely adult. Technically, I finished this first, but I just got around to writing about this later. Probably because I enjoyed The Diary more than I enjoyed this one.


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Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami [Philip Gabriel (translator)]

Murakami is one of those authors you always hear about, either in praises by other people or in people’s to-read lists. And so, Murakami was added to my to-read list, just so I could find out what the hype is all about. I knew it wasn’t going to be a straightforward story or a simple subject, but boy did I underestimate the amount of metaphor and surrealism!


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The Viscount’s Wallflower Bride by Lauren Royal and Devon Royal

It has been a while…

I’m getting back to reading slowly. I did try a lot of other novels, but I seem to have lost patience for stories where the lead characters just jump each other without really having a conversation first. So here we are… a “SWEET & CLEAN” romance. I didn’t think of this phrase, the authors did.


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