The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (Millennium #1) by Stieg Larsson, Reg Keeland (Translator)

After a looooong hiatus, I am back to reading! And would you believe it’s with something I’ve been wanting to read since August! This book has been with me for a really long time now, since I bought the three books from Bookchor last year…! And out of the three books I bought, I’ve managed to read only two. There just seemed so many other books to read before then 😛 

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I’ll Walk Alone (Alvirah and Willy #8) by Mary Higgins Clark

Oh my god, such a ridiculous book! I might just never read another novel by Mary Higgins Clark again!


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Review – BookChor

Indian book shoppers, rejoice! There is now another option available if you are looking for good deals on books! And it’s this online bookshop called BookChor.


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Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami [Philip Gabriel (translator)]

Murakami is one of those authors you always hear about, either in praises by other people or in people’s to-read lists. And so, Murakami was added to my to-read list, just so I could find out what the hype is all about. I knew it wasn’t going to be a straightforward story or a simple subject, but boy did I underestimate the amount of metaphor and surrealism!


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Break from Reading

Looks like I’ve been on an unintended break from reading for some time now. I’m not really sure why that is… Perhaps I’m just not motivated enough to pick up a book since Carrie.

But that’s not it. I did try a couple of fluffs to get me out of the rut, but alas, neither held my interest long enough to finish them.

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Bridget Jones’s Diary (Bridget Jones #1) by Helen Fielding

Thank god for the simple joys of life…, e.g., libraries! 😀
Sometimes all you want to do is read a simple and funny story. And when there’s a library at work, you decide to go with something you wouldn’t necessarily buy otherwise. Such was Bridget Jones’s Diary for me.


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The Gift by Cecelia Ahern

This is one of the books I bought about a month ago but never got around to reading. To be honest, this was just an impulse buy. It was on discount at the store… 😐

I wrote a review for The Perks of Being a Wallpaper a while ago.

This book appears to be a perfect Christmas read, it’s all about family, love, relationships, and a bit of magic. It looks to have been designed around Christmas-time sentiments, and I have mixed feelings about that. The fact that it is so theme-based made me feel put off.

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The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky

Isn’t traveling great to catch up on your reading? Or is just me? Just the fact that I’m somewhere new gets me in the mood to read—especially, if the holiday involves a lot of relaxing “me” time. 😛


I bought The Perks of Being a Wallflower quite some time ago. But, I just never got the time or will to start reading it. Turns out, I just needed to get away from my routine life.

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The Memory Keeper’s Daughter by Kim Edwards

The last book remaining from my Book Haul, and now it is over. At least the whole collection ended on a high note (quality-wise, not emotion-wise)!


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