The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (Millennium #1) by Stieg Larsson, Reg Keeland (Translator)

After a looooong hiatus, I am back to reading! And would you believe it’s with something I’ve been wanting to read since August! This book has been with me for a really long time now, since I bought the three books from Bookchor last year…! And out of the three books I bought, I’ve managed to read only two. There just seemed so many other books to read before then 😛 

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A Daughter’s Place (Chatsworth #3) by C.J. Carmichael

Daughter's place

Seems like I’ve been having pretty good luck with free Kindle reads lately. I don’t even know how I found A Daughter’s Place by C.J. Carmichael on Amazon. Probably from one of the emails from Bookbub. I’m glad to have read it because I had given up on the free Kindle reads being good.

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