World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War by Max Brooks

I wanted to like this book, I really did. But it just wasn’t meant to be.


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We Have Always Lived in the Castle by Shirley Jackson

Oh, what did I just read? I am going to be thinking about this for a long time. Some stories, no matter how much time has passed, stay with you. I have a feeling this is one of those stories…

we have always

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House of Mirrors by Lisa M. Logan

Horror time!

But I’m a little lost. There seems to be too much going on in this book, all at the same time. It had me wondering if this was a sequel or a second part of some other book. But I couldn’t find anything as such.

House of mirrors

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The Night Everything Changed by Kristopher Rufty

The night everything changed

The Night Everything Changed is a really short short story. I read it just to get a little change and a dose of horror. This was listed under horror and was a free read on Amazon, so I got it.

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Horns by Joe Hill


So here it is! The review for Horns, a novel by Joe Hill.

As mentioned in my last post, the only reason I read the book was because I saw the trailer of the movie based on it. The movie stars Daniel Radcliff, and that was enough to interest me. This is the first novel by Joe Hill that I have read, and I liked it overall.

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Coming Soon…


I just finished reading Horns by Joe Hill. I found out about this novel only because I saw the trailer of the movie based on it starring Daniel Radcliff. And the trailer was so interesting that I had to read the book. Good thing I did, because it is really good!

More on the book soon!

Here’s the trailer…

It is certainly very different from Harry Potter!

Update on 06-Jul-2016: I can’t believe I never got around to watching the movie until today! The movie was fine, a bit dragged out in some parts. I can now say that the movie seems more interesting than the book though…