I, Robot (Robot 0.1) by Isaac Asimov

Science fiction + Philosophy = I, Robot

In other words, I love it! ❤


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Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami [Philip Gabriel (translator)]

Murakami is one of those authors you always hear about, either in praises by other people or in people’s to-read lists. And so, Murakami was added to my to-read list, just so I could find out what the hype is all about. I knew it wasn’t going to be a straightforward story or a simple subject, but boy did I underestimate the amount of metaphor and surrealism!


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Some Like It Perfect (A Temporary Engagement #3) by Megan Bryce

It’s been quite some time since I last read a romance. Mostly because I could not find anything I thought was interesting enough or different enough to spend some time on. But then I downloaded two free reads suggested by BookbubAn Unexpected Date by Susan Hatler and this. And, luckily, while Susan Hatler’s story was a dud for me, Some Like It Perfect was quite enjoyable AND realistic!


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Appointment with Death: A Stage Play by Agatha Christie

I must say I don’t have much experience reading plays… Well, not unless you count the plays that were part of the prescribed reading in school. This must be the first play I have read outside an English textbook. And, keeping that in mind, I must say it wasn’t bad.


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Sharp objects by Gillian Flynn


Just finished reading Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn. The reason I started reading this was that Gone Girl had just released and I got curious about the book. Looking at the reviews led me to Sharp Objects, and thus I bought the book.

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