The Unexpected Guest by Charles Osborne, Agatha Christie

It has been at least 15 years (although it is most probably much more than that) since I first started reading Agatha Christie. You would assume I would be bored of her writing by now. But, no, not at all. In fact, she continues to amuse and surprise me to this day. I guess I will just never grow out of her writing!


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I’ll Walk Alone (Alvirah and Willy #8) by Mary Higgins Clark

Oh my god, such a ridiculous book! I might just never read another novel by Mary Higgins Clark again!


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The Mousetrap: A Play by Agatha Christie

It is rare that I am disappointed by an Agatha Christie novel/book. In fact, I can’t even remember any novel of hers that I was disappointed in. Sure, there have been times when I wasn’t amazed or thrilled, but it was always at least OK.


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