Born a Crime: Stories From a South African Childhood by Trevor Noah

I rarely read autobiographies (or even biographies), but I’m so glad I read this one! Someone suggested this to me, and after a month of deliberating, I bought it.

born a crime

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Abby: Mail Order Bride (Unconventional #1) by Verna Clay

Abby mail

I seem to be on a Romance/Drama roll. I read Abby: Mail Order Bride (Unconventional #1) by Verna Clay recently, another free Kindle read. I am not sure if I should call it romance or a soap opera. A lot of things happen here in a short span of time. There is a lot of grief and sadness toward the end of this book. So beware.

Continue reading Abby: Mail Order Bride (Unconventional #1) by Verna Clay