The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (Millennium #1) by Stieg Larsson, Reg Keeland (Translator)

After a looooong hiatus, I am back to reading! And would you believe it’s with something I’ve been wanting to read since August! This book has been with me for a really long time now, since I bought the three books from Bookchor last year…! And out of the three books I bought, I’ve managed to read only two. There just seemed so many other books to read before then 😛 

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Thirteen, Fourteen … Little Boy Unseen (Rebekka Franck Book 7) by Willow Rose

I had no idea that this book was part of a series… I know, how dumb. But I saw the “Thirteen Fourteen” as just a part of the title and did not think that it might be connected to a series in any way.

Thirteen fourteen

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