I’ll Walk Alone (Alvirah and Willy #8) by Mary Higgins Clark

Oh my god, such a ridiculous book! I might just never read another novel by Mary Higgins Clark again!


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Lost in Temptation (Regency Chase #1) by Lauren Royal

After the children’s book The Diary of a Wimpy Kid, here’s something that’s definitely adult. Technically, I finished this first, but I just got around to writing about this later. Probably because I enjoyed The Diary more than I enjoyed this one.


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The Last Straw (Diary of a Wimpy Kid #3) by Jeff Kinney

Something different in the new year… Although technically it’s not new year anymore. I found this book at my parents’ place, among a pile of old books. This is one of my brother’s books, which I had never got around to reading. He does buy some interesting books!


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Before I Go to Sleep by S.J. Watson

Hello, 2018! My new year’s resolution this time is to just go back to my old hobbies, or rather, actually make time for my old hobbies. That includes reading, painting, and just plain making sure there is more to my day than just going to and back from work. To commemorate my new year, I finished this book (on Jan 01, 2018) that had been on my shelf for what feels like forever.


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Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami [Philip Gabriel (translator)]

Murakami is one of those authors you always hear about, either in praises by other people or in people’s to-read lists. And so, Murakami was added to my to-read list, just so I could find out what the hype is all about. I knew it wasn’t going to be a straightforward story or a simple subject, but boy did I underestimate the amount of metaphor and surrealism!


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The Viscount’s Wallflower Bride by Lauren Royal and Devon Royal

It has been a while…

I’m getting back to reading slowly. I did try a lot of other novels, but I seem to have lost patience for stories where the lead characters just jump each other without really having a conversation first. So here we are… a “SWEET & CLEAN” romance. I didn’t think of this phrase, the authors did.


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Break from Reading

Looks like I’ve been on an unintended break from reading for some time now. I’m not really sure why that is… Perhaps I’m just not motivated enough to pick up a book since Carrie.

But that’s not it. I did try a couple of fluffs to get me out of the rut, but alas, neither held my interest long enough to finish them.

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Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? (And Other Concerns) by Mindy Kaling

Hey, there! First day of 2017! Is anyone else excited? No? Me either 😛

Technically, I finished reading Is Everyone Hanging in 2016, that is, on the last day of 2016. So, I’m counting this as a 2016 read and adding this book to my 2016 Goodreads Reading Challenge. (I still didn’t reach my number though… but missing by 2 seems slightly better than missing by 3, somehow.)


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Bridget Jones’s Diary (Bridget Jones #1) by Helen Fielding

Thank god for the simple joys of life…, e.g., libraries! 😀
Sometimes all you want to do is read a simple and funny story. And when there’s a library at work, you decide to go with something you wouldn’t necessarily buy otherwise. Such was Bridget Jones’s Diary for me.


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