I, Robot (Robot 0.1) by Isaac Asimov

Science fiction + Philosophy = I, Robot

In other words, I love it! ❤


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Born a Crime: Stories From a South African Childhood by Trevor Noah

I rarely read autobiographies (or even biographies), but I’m so glad I read this one! Someone suggested this to me, and after a month of deliberating, I bought it.

born a crime

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Lost in Temptation (Regency Chase #1) by Lauren Royal

After the children’s book The Diary of a Wimpy Kid, here’s something that’s definitely adult. Technically, I finished this first, but I just got around to writing about this later. Probably because I enjoyed The Diary more than I enjoyed this one.


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The Perfect Murder by Ruskin Bond

Another one for new year. This time it is a short story collection, all somehow related to murder—committing, witnessing, or solving a murder. There are quite a few well-known names: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Ruskin Bond, and Edgar Allan Poe. I cannot figure out the cover though… The title story is by someone else, not Ruskin Bond.

perfect murder

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The Viscount’s Wallflower Bride by Lauren Royal and Devon Royal

It has been a while…

I’m getting back to reading slowly. I did try a lot of other novels, but I seem to have lost patience for stories where the lead characters just jump each other without really having a conversation first. So here we are… a “SWEET & CLEAN” romance. I didn’t think of this phrase, the authors did.


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Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? (And Other Concerns) by Mindy Kaling

Hey, there! First day of 2017! Is anyone else excited? No? Me either 😛

Technically, I finished reading Is Everyone Hanging in 2016, that is, on the last day of 2016. So, I’m counting this as a 2016 read and adding this book to my 2016 Goodreads Reading Challenge. (I still didn’t reach my number though… but missing by 2 seems slightly better than missing by 3, somehow.)


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Some Like It Perfect (A Temporary Engagement #3) by Megan Bryce

It’s been quite some time since I last read a romance. Mostly because I could not find anything I thought was interesting enough or different enough to spend some time on. But then I downloaded two free reads suggested by BookbubAn Unexpected Date by Susan Hatler and this. And, luckily, while Susan Hatler’s story was a dud for me, Some Like It Perfect was quite enjoyable AND realistic!


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