Fortunately, the Milk by Neil Gaiman, Skottie Young (Illustrator)

A brilliant book for all ages by Neil Gaiman—just perfect for a quick fun read while killing time on a boring afternoon.


This book is a great example of how engaging story-telling can be, even if the story itself is outlandish and completely ridiculous.

Even though the book appears to be for kids, I am sure adults would enjoy it too. In fact, adults may even appreciate the ridiculousness of the entire thing much more. Think Alice in Wonderland or The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. Similar to these books, this one doesn’t have much of a story per se. It is about a dad telling his kids why he got late getting them milk for breakfast—a simple scenario. But he tells them this amazingly funny and nonsensical story that is just entertaining through and through. The story has a time traveling genius inventor dinosaur, a talking volcano, aliens, and (of course) the bottle of milk, which somehow manages to survive traveling through space and time, being thrown around, and almost causing the end of the universe.

It would be difficult for me to tell you why I love such stories—maybe it’s just the fact that there is no logic to depend on and you are forced to forget rational thought process when reading such stories. Such stories force you to depend on the author’s story-telling prowess and the story’s entertainment value. But I don’t really know.

Read it yourself or read it to your kids—it’s fun either way.

My rating: ★★★★★

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